
Section: New Results

Freight railcar routing

In some countries, the activities of managing railroads and managing a fleet of freight railcars are separated by a law. A state-owned company is in charge of the first activity. The control of freight railcars is separated between several independent companies. The main objective of such company is an effective management of its railcars. As these companies are commercial, the goal is to maximize the profit from the usage of their railcars. The profit of a company is mainly determined by the difference between the total gain it receives from satisfying requests for delivery of goods in railcars and the costs it pays to the state-owned company for exploiting the railroad network.

Consequently, the main optimization problem that every freight railcar management company faces can be formulated as follows. We need 1) to choose a set of transportation demands between stations in a railroad network, and 2) to fulfill these demands by appropriately routing the set of available railcars, while maximizing the total profit. We formulate this problem as a multi-commodity flow problem in a large space-time graph. Three approaches are proposed to solve the Linear Programming relaxation of this formulation: direct solution by an LP solver, a column generation approach based on the path reformulation, and a “column generation for extended formulations” approach [22] . In the latter, the multi-commodity flow formulation is solved iteratively by dynamic generation of arc flow variables. Three approaches have been tested on a set of real-life instances provided by one of the largest freight rail transportation companies in Russia. Instances with up to 10 millions of arc flow variables were solved within minutes of computational time [29] , [39] .